



Organizers: Eldenia, Arnhemse Boys, ESA

Location: Arnhem

Dates: June 7th & 8th 2025

 1.   Rules 

All matches shall be played in accordance with the rules of the game as determined by the International Football Association Board, as issued by FIFA and in accordance with the rules of the KNVB.

The organizing clubs, above, have received the necessary permission to host the tournament from the KNVB.

 2.   Referees

All matches will be led by referees that are appointed by the tournament committee.

 3.   Teams

Teams sanctioned by their national football association are not entitled to participate in this tournament.

 4.   Team Leader

Every team must be accompanied by an adult (over 18 years of age). The name, address and date of birth of this adult must be printed clearly on his team’s registration sheet. This adult will be deemed to be the team leader and he will be responsible for the behavior of his players, on and off the field of play. He will be held responsible for the actions of his team within the sports complex and within all other facilities available to the group.

 5.   Age categories/dispensations

 (U17/11): Players born in 2008 or 2009

(U16/11): Players born in 2009 or 2010

(U15/11):  Players born in 2010 or 2011

(U14/11): Players born in 2011 or 2012

(U13/9): Players born in 2012 or 2013 

(U12/8):  Players born in 2013 of 2014

(U11/7). Players born in 2014 of 2015      

(U10/7). Players born in 2015 of 2016

Dispensation in all age categories for 2 players from Denmark born on/after 01.01 of the year before.

Dispensation in all age categories for all players from England and Wales born on/after 01.01 of the year before.

 Prior to commencement of the tournament the team leader must submit, to the tournament committee, a registration sheet which contains the full name, date of birth and shirt number of every player in his team.

All players must provide proof of their age and identity. They may be asked to show this proof at any time. The same player may participate in only one team during the whole tournament.

 6.   Duration of Play

Games will start and end on a central given signal by the tournament committee. Penalties, given before end signal, must be finished.

 All Categories and rounds:    1 x 25min

 First kick-off is taken by the home team

 7.   Placing matches - preliminary rounds  

The final positions of teams in the preliminary rounds will be determined by the number of points attained. The points system applied will be: 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, 0 points for a loss.

 Where teams are level on points in their group the following will apply:

      1.   goal difference 

      2.   most goals scored 

      3.   the result of the mutual match 

      4.   goal ratio

      5.   number of matches won

        Placing matches - Intermediate rounds

In the event of a draw, penalty kicks will be taken in accordance with the system laid down by the International Football Association Board in order to determine the winners. 5 Penalties are taken alternately per team.


In the event of a draw, penalty kicks will be taken in accordance with the system laid down by the International Football Association Board in order to determine the winner. 5 Penalties are taken alternately per team.

 8.   Team Sheets and Substitutions

Prior to each game the team leader must hand to the referee a team sheet which must give each player’s name, number and date of birth (including substitutions).

 Five players (including one goalkeeper) from 5 named substitutes on the team sheet may change at any time during the game. In case of category U10, U11 and U12 ”free” substitutions are allowed during the whole game.

 9.   Color

Every team is obliged to bring a second choice outfit of contrasting color. If, according to the referee, before the start of the match, the colors are too similar then the team mentioned first in the scheme must change their outfit.

 10. Discipline

Players with yellow cards must cool down off-pitch for 5 minutes, players with a red card are sent off-pitch immediately and will not play their teams next match.

Note: All misconduct reports arising from the tournament will be forwarded to the National Association of the host club who will forward these reports to the National Associations concerned.

 In case of group matches ( = placing matches - preliminary rounds) all results of a team will be rendered invalid in the following cases:

      -     if that team is late for a game without a valid reason,

      -     if that team uses an ineligible player,

      -     if the referee has to abandon a game due to misconduct of players of that team.

In the intermediate- and final rounds (if there is no question of group matches) the team concerned loses in the cases mentioned automatically its match with the result 0-3.

 11. Protests

The referees decision in all matters concerning points of play shall be final and binding, therefore protests in this area are not accepted. All other protests should be made only by the responsible team leader to the tournament committee no later than 15 minutes after the match. The tournament committee’s decision on all protests is final and binding. The tournament committee also decides in cases not foreseen in these tournament rules.

 12. Schedule

The tournament committee has the right to alter the competition schedule should unforeseen circumstances occur.

 13. Responsibility

It is the responsibility of each team to make sure that adequate insurance cover is provided for their players. The tournament organizers and Euro-Sportring are not responsible for damage to, and loss or theft of possessions or equipment of participants or clubs. They are also not responsible for personal harm or injury to participants.

 14. Divergent rules

 -     U10/7, U11/7, and U12/8 play on a half field.

-     U13/9 plays on a smaller field with 9 players a side (16 meter line to 16 meter line), goal size 5 x 2 meter

-     Offside is not applicable for U10/7, U11/7, U12/8, and U13/9. For these groups, the ball should also be "dribbled in" by a player in case a ball crosses the sideline, in case of a free kick and in case of a corner ball.

-     Playing the ball into the hands of the own goalkeeper is not allowed for all categories.

-     There are no penalties during the regular match time with U10/7, U11/7, U12/8,and U13/9:
a non-direct free kick will replace the penalties and a severely misbehaving player can be sent off the pitch.

-     For U10/7, U11/7, U12/8, and U13/9: when a ball goes behind the end line, the keeper can only play the ball in by foot, not by hands. When a goal is scored, the game starts from the mid of the field. It is not allowed to score a goal directly from the kick off.

-     Corners are taken at two-third distance from the goalpost and one-third distance from the corner flag position.

-     With U13/9 corners are taken from the marked place at two-third distance from the goalpost.

-     For U14 and above, the goalkeeper kicks the ball from the 5-meter area. Corners are taken at the corner flag.

-     All matches played on a full pitch (11 v 11) are played with assistants who assist with offside and advise when a throw-in should take place for the team concerned (ultimately, the referee decides).

-     In case of special circumstances or disputes, decisive veto lays with the tournament director.


 In the tournament there are cups to win. The most important cup Is the Fair Play cup. In each age category a cup is available. How can teams win this cup? In each game the referee gives points for the Fair Play level of each team:

 0 point for very unfair behavior

2 point for neutral behavior

3 points for teams that behave fair

4 points for teams that behave very fair

5 points for teams that act perfect in and around the pitch

 The referee will judge fairness of all players, coaches, helpers and parents /friends in public. The referee will make a conclusive report after each game and takes into account:

 1.   Behavior of teams towards the opponent..

2.   Player behavior towards the referee.

3.   Behavior of the coaching staff.

4.   Behavior of fans / public. Remarks and foul language by public.




Coordinator Euro-Sportring
Josephine Dekkers
+31 6 29013849


+31(0)900-8844 or 112 in case of emergency

Doctor                                                        Hospital
Huisartsenpost Arnhem-Zuid     Hospital Rijnstate
Mr. D.U. Stikkerstraat 122            Wagnerlaan 55
+31(0)900 1598                                  +31 88 005 8888


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